Mexicanas en Michigan through the Friends on Board Foundation for the 5th year participated in the Detroit Institute of Arts Ofrenda Contest winning a spot to represent International Mexican Women that dedicate their lives to making a better world.
The 2018 Altar was dedicated to the Women that died during the Earthquakes of 1985 and 2017in Mexico City and were working in the textile factories, in both occasions it wasn’t enough time for them to vacate the facilities; however, as a result of this tragedy, conditions in Mexican labor have started to get better and continue to improve.
Thanks to all volunteers that helped to create this Ofrenda whose hands help crate the colorful mix of flowers and who help set-up and decorate the exhibit and a special thank you to Alberto a plastic artist out of Detroit, MI that developed the Concept and all colors and all the hands of many Mexicans that create all flowers to decorate and help to set up on site.
This website was created by Green Studio